Coding / Programming Career Path Courses:

Learning to program is both fun and easy by taking this brand new and exciting Introduction to Programming for Non-Programmers course! Not only will you learn the foundations of how to program, but you’ll also gain a solid foundation in the world’s most popular computer language: JavaScript.  Without having to install any special software, and using only your web browser and your text editor, you’ll journey into the exacting world of programming. Using an easy to learn training style, you’ll learn about the JavaScript language, functions, variables, making decisions, looping, and more. At the end of the course, you’ll be in a great position to take other introductory programming language course.

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This course provides a fundamental understanding of the functions within any modern operating system. Most users of computers, like Windows 10 or Redhat V8, only deal with the GUI (graphical user interface). This course explores the functions used by those GUIs and provides an understanding of what is really happening. Used either stand-alone to gain a basic understanding of operating system concepts or with a companion textbook, Modern Operating Systems by Andrew S. Tanenbaum, while viewing the course or as a resource for later reference, this course provides a solid foundation that would enhance understanding for other courses, such as USB 2.0 Architecture Part 1, Oracle 12c Real Application Clusters Part 2: Performance Tuning, Administration and Backup, PCI Express (PCIe) Overview, Cloud Computing Foundation, and any programming course.  This course is a pre-requisite for the Linux V7 Essentials course.

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This C Programming Bootcamp Part 1 online course, part 1 of a two part series will introduce you to the C programming language.  You will start with the layout of a C program and venture into control statements, loops, and functions. When you complete this course, you will have the skills to be an effective and productive C Programmer. 

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This C Programming Bootcamp Part 2 online course, part 2 of a two part series, will introduce you to the C programming language.  You will start basic I/O and move into more complex data types such as arrays, structures, and pointers using solid programming techniques.  When you complete this course, you will have the skills to be an effective and productive C Programmer. 

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In Java SE 8 Programming Part 1 you will begin programming in Java right from the start.  You will learn the critical parts of the Java language and program with them immediately to reinforce every concept that you learn.  This course covers key Java features including data types, variables, classes, methods, objects, inheritance, polymorphism, decision making, loops, strings, arrays and more. You will get a deep dive into Java programming so you can start programming in Java right away. From Java SE 8 Programming Part 1 you will go on to Java SE 8 Programming Part 2, which will enable you to create fully functional programs in Java and call yourself an Object-Oriented Programmer. This two-part series will also help prepare you to take Oracle’s Java SE 8 Programmer 1 Certification exam.


The Java 8 SE8 online video course is taught by Donna Martin a programming expert with over 25 years of experience programming with Linux systems programming, C, GTK+, X, TCL, FORTRAN, COBOL, Shell Scripting, Assembler, web programming and Java.  She currently works as an Analyst at a major hospital and teaches programming to students of all ages.  Donna makes concepts easy to learn and gives you the skills and knowledge you need to start programming in Java right away.


Did you know that learning to code will make you more skilled than 95% of the work force and that Java is one of the top programming languages in the world today?  Businesses of all sizes are powered by applications written in Java as are Android Apps.  If you have an idea for an innovative type of business software or an Android App then Java is the language for you.  For example, Angry Birds, Temple Run and Candy Crush Saga are all written in Java. Because Java is such a widely used language, companies like eBay, JP Morgan, Google and many, many, more all hire Java programmers. 

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In Part 2 of Java SE 8 Programming you will program right from the start.  Part 2 delves into more advanced Java 8 features including garbage collection, nested types, packages, APIs, advanced data types (lists, sets, maps, two-dimensional arrays), handling events, using a database, exceptions and more. 


This course also covers new Java 8 features including lambda expressions, streams, and the new date and time API.  You will also take a deeper dive into object-oriented programming.  When you finish this two-part Java SE 8 series, you will be able to create fully functional programs in Java and will be able to call yourself an Object-Oriented Programmer. This two-part series will also fully prepare you to successfully take the Oracle’s Java SE 8 Programmer 1 Certification exam.


The Java SE 8 Programming online video series is taught by Donna Martin a programming expert with over 25 years of experience programming with Linux systems programming, C, GTK+, X, TCL, FORTRAN, COBOL, Shell Scripting, assembler, web programming and Java.  She currently works as an Analyst at a major hospital and teaches programming to students of all ages.  Donna makes concepts easy to learn and gives you the skills and knowledge you need to start programming in Java right away.


Learning to code with Java will give you the skillset of one of the most in-demand languages.  Businesses of all sizes are powered by applications written in Java as are Android Apps.  If you have an idea for an innovative type of business software or an Android App, then Java is the language for you.  For example, Angry Birds, Temple Run and Candy Crush Saga are all written in Java.  Because Java is such a widely used language, companies like eBay, JP Morgan and Google all hire Java programmers.

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This Python Programming Essentials online training course teaches you the basics of Python, a powerful programming language used to solve many different types of problems. In this course you will start by learning the basics of Python and by the end of the course you will be able to write Python programs to processes, text, work with complex data types, handle exceptions, and begin designing object-oriented programs.  

Python is a general purpose language that was released in the 1990’s.  It is designed to be highly readable and that makes it very easy for beginners. Even though the learning curve is shorter than many other languages, it allows you to do scientific computing, web development and 3d rendering.  Python had a major role in starting YouTube, Instagram and Reddit.  Because Python is useful in many different applications there are jobs available in just about every market. Companies like Google and YouTube have requirements for Python Programmers most all the time.

This course was designed using Python Version 2 and includes exercises using Python Version 2 and  Python Version 3.  Python version 3 is now the preferred version of Python.  All example Python programs provided in the class are shown in Version 2 and Version 3.  

Once you have completed Python Programming Essentials the next course in this series is Advanced Python Programming. The Advanced Python Programming course will enhance your Python knowledge by discussing complex data types, object oriented programming, GUI programs, regular expressions, threads, network programming, using SQL, and extending Python with C. Click here to learn more about Advanced Python Programming.



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This Advanced Python Programming online training course picks up where Python Essentials left off.  In this course you will enhance your Python knowledge by discussing complex data types, object oriented programming, GUI programs, regular expressions, threads, network programming, using SQL, and extending Python with C. This course was filmed using Python 2.x.

In order to take this course you need to have taken Python Programming Essentials or have equivalent experience in the concepts taught in that course.

Python is a general purpose language that was released in the 1990’s.  It is designed to be highly readable and that makes it very easy for beginners. The learning curve is shorter than many other languages, it allows you to do scientific computing, web development and 3d rendering.  Python had a major role in starting YouTube, Instagram and Reddit.  Because Python is useful in many different applications there are jobs available in just about every market. Companies like Google and YouTube have requirements for Python Programmers most all the time.


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This iOS 8 course will show you how to write mobile applications for Apple’s popular iPhone and iPad. This course is fully updated for Xcode 6, iOS 8, and Objective-C.  You’ll begin the course by learning how to use Xcode 6 to build and debug iOS 8 applications that run on the iOS Simulator. You will then learn how iOS 8 applications display views, learn to use view controllers, display alerts, play multimedia, and more. At the end of the course you will have written 10 apps and be able to write your own iPhone and iPad apps.


This course includes over 18 lecture and 7.7 hours of video instructions.  In this course you will create 10 apps including a Touch Counter App that responds to your touches on the screen and increments a counter;  a touch counter app using buttons; a name and phone number app; a text editor app; an input control fun app; an HTML app; a stock price app, an email and text app; an image app and an audio app.  And all of these apps and exercises will prepare you to create your own iPhone and iPad apps.

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This course will show you how to quickly and easily write applications for Android mobile devices, including both phones and tablets. This course is fully updated for Android 5 (Lollipop) and uses the latest development tools, including Android Studio and the Android version of Eclipse. You’ll begin the course by learning how to use either Android Studio or Eclipse (your choice!) to build and debug Android 5 (Lollipop) applications that run on the Android Simulator. You’ll learn how Android 5 applications display views, use widgets, use single and multiple activities, and more. At the end of the course you will have the foundation skills to develop and support Android 5 applications. You will also have the skills to take the follow-on Advanced Android 5 Programming course.

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This course builds upon the skills you learned in the previous Introduction to Android 5 Programming course. You will learn how to read and write data, how to use HTML5 in WebView, how to access web services, how to become a broadcast receiver and how to write a service. The course is fully updated for Android 5 (Lollipop) and uses the latest development tools, including Android Studio and the Android version of Eclipse. At the end of the course you’ll have the skills to develop, support, and debug Advanced Android 5 applications.

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Introduction to Perl Part 1 online training provides you with a basic introduction to the Perl language. You will learn about scalar data, arrays, branching and looping, input and output, regular expressions and functions. You will learn how to write scripts using the fundamental Perl building blocks in this Perl training course.

Once you have completed Introduction to Perl Part 1 the next course in this series is Introduction to Perl Part 2. The Introduction to Perl Part 2 course will enhance your programming knowledge by discussing file handles and file tests, formatted output, accessing directories, file and directory manipulation, managing OS processes, string manipulation and sorting, hash files and text management, and some advanced topics.  Click here to learn more about Introduction to Perl Part 2.

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Introduction to Perl Part 2 online training course covers file handles and file tests, formatted output, accessing directories, file and directory manipulation, managing OS processes, string manipulation and sorting, hash files and text management, and some advanced topics.

In order to take this course you need to have taken Introduction to Perl Part 1 and have previous programming language experience.

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In the emerging world of IoT there is a need for embedded devices with much smaller processors that cannot support Linux or Android, the common operating systems for embedded computing devices. Today with the advent of very effective and efficient real-time operating systems like FreeRTOS, a popular small processor Open Source operating system, programmers can take advantage of all the great features operating systems offer.
This course explores concepts of real-time and multi-tasking programming using Free RTOS, a minimal operating system that does not have layer upon layer of software abstractions. It puts programmers close to the hardware, what software engineers call “programming down to the bare metal”.   While there are a number of operating systems to choose from in designing small microcontrollers, FreeRTOS offers the following great features:
  • It’s Open Source. That means it’s “free”. There’s also a commercial version available that provides support from the developers if you need it.
  • It’s simple. A basic FreeRTOS system is on the order of five or six C source files. You can actually wrap your mind around it. By contrast, a minimal Linux or Android build is on the order of a thousand source files. Wrap your mind around that dude!
  • As a consequence of being simple, it’s also small. A reasonable system will fit in 6 KB of memory.
  • Despite being simple, it’s comprehensive. It provides the facilities required to address the basic real-time programming problems.
  • The source code is high quality. It’s readable! There are lots of useful comments and the symbol names are expressive, that is they convey what the symbol actually does. In contrast to much of Linux code, which I characterize as write-only. Someone obviously wrote it, but no one else can read it because there are no comments.

In this class you will perform hands-on lab exercises that teach you how to design reliable embedded devices for the Internet of Things and you will gain an understanding of how multi-tasking operating systems lead to more robust, scalable, and maintainable designs.

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Coding / Programming Today!

Norman McEntire

Norman McEntire founded Servin Corporation in 1995 to focus on “Software Technology Training for Software Technology Professionals(tm). Since that time, Norman has used his unique  training style to train thousands of software developers in nearly every major technology company, including Avaya, Broadcom, Cubic, Dell, Fidelity, HP, IBM, Intel, Intuit, Motorola, NCR, Qualcomm, Wells Fargo, and many more. With degrees in Computer Engineering, Norman has designed and built everything from low-level chips, boards, and complete computer systems, to software at all levels, including device drivers, systems software, and end-user software for the desktop, web, and mobile.

Tim R. Norton

Dr. Norton has worked with a variety of computer systems of all sizes and many operating systems, including MVS, Windows and Unix/Linux. He has experience with applications design, support, and systems programming. He has done Technology Planning, Capacity Planning and Capacity Modeling for over 20 years at a variety of large companies. He co-foundered and was the Chief Scientist of a start-up company to provide web based capacity planning services for web applications. He has been a full-time Professor at a local university and continues to teach at universities in Colorado Springs. He is active in CMG (Computer Measurement Group), the leading computer performance analysis organization, and has been the Subject Area Chair for every year since 2000. He has participated in Colorado Governor Owens' Technology Summit. He has served on the Academic Advisory Boards for Computer Science at Colorado Technical University and at DeVry University of Colorado. He founded Simalytic Solutions, LLC in 1995 to provide capacity planning and application modeling services using the Simalytic® Modeling Technique and the Response Time Pipe™ that he developed as a result of his doctorial research.

Donna Martin

I am a long time programmer.  I first learned C Programming when I was at the University in 1981.  My professional work has focused on computer graphics/user interfaces, and C is the language I have worked with for almost 3 decades (makes me feel younger than saying 30 years!). 

I have worked in the training field since the 90s, and have taught programming at a University Engineering College as well as provided many training seminars in programming, graphics, and UNIX/Linux for large training companies. The majority of my work has involved UNIX/Linux systems. In addition to being a C Programmer I am a Certified Java 8 Programmer, I program in C#, and Tcl/Tk, and have a working knowledge of many other languages.

James Lee

James Lee is a hacker and open-source advocate based in Illinois. He holds a master's degree from Northwestern University, and he can often be seen rooting for the Wildcats during football season. As founder of Onsight, Lee has worked as a programmer, trainer, manager, writer, and open-source advocate. Lee authored Beginning Perl, Second Edition published by Apress and coauthored Hacking Linux Exposed, Second Edition, as well as Open Source Web Development with LAMP. He enjoys hacking in Perl and Python and has written programming articles for the Linux Journal. Lee also enjoys developing software for the Web, reading, traveling and, most of all, snowboarding with his kids who are old enough now to understand why dad's favorite animals are penguins and camels and why dad laughs at Monty Python's Flying Circus.

Tom Vaughan

I have been involved with IT technial training for 14+ years. I have taught and created material for Perl and UNIX shells. I am a contract trainer and have taught for HP, IBM, Sun, Lockheed, Intel, NASA, Fedex, the USAF, the US Army and the US Navy as well as many classes with an open or public audience.


I love teaching and learn something new from every class.

Doug Abbott

Doug Abbott is a consultant, author, and trainer with over thirty years experience in the computing field. He has done both hardware and software design primarily in the area of data acquisition and instrumentation. As a software engineer, his focus has been on the operating system and device driver level with a particular emphasis on embedded applications of Linux.

As an instructor, Mr. Abbott has developed and taught several courses--both in-person and on-line--for UC Berkeley Extension and UC San Diego Extension. These classes have also been presented on-site to a number of well-known institutions including NASA Houston, Wind River Systems, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, and TRW among others.

Doug is the author of three books:

     Embedded Linux Development using Eclipse

     Linux for Embedded and Real-time Applications, 4th Ed.

     PCI Bus Demystified, 2nd Ed.

Doug has both a bachelor's and master's degree in electrical engineering from UC Berkeley.



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