The Mobile Device Market Expands into Cars and Tractors

Think beyond the present into the practical and you will find a new home for mobile device growth.  Connecting to the internet is big business and it is getting bigger by the moment.  All you need to do it think of all the ways mobile connectivity can improve an existing product or service and create the application to make it happen.

Take cars for example.  Glen Lurie, president of AT&T’s Emerging Devices business believes that within three to five years that 100% of all new vehicles will be connected to the internet as compared to only 5% today.  Lurie says, “you’ll see diagnostics, calls when the airbag goes off, real-time traffic reports and entertainment in the back seat.”

Both General Motors and Ford are adding key features in the 2012 models.  GM Cadillac brand will be offering models with safety monitoring features, 8-inch touch screen that will show maps, climate controls, weather and test messaging.  Ford’s s enhancing their electric cars to include these features and a monitoring information system that helps drivers find the nearest charging station.

But don’t stop with cars.  Tractor’s are going mobile too.  AT&T’s business solutions group is working with tractor manufacturers to enable wireless monitoring of engine data and with crane makers to measure use and inform people when good are loaded.

Mobile devices and applications for mobile devices are staring at us every day.  They exist in moving the non-mobile to the mobile and inventing the future.  If you have a passion for technology, then mobile device market is a great place to be.    Click Here to read the full article.

If you are interested in enhancing your programming skills or getting into mobile device programming from the ground up,  here are some programs you may find helpful:

If you have any questions, be sure to let us know.  You can reach us at 877.546.4446 or by emailing us at